cloud benefits

Ever wonder when we use Uber, Netflix, or Google Drive, we don’t feel lack while using it from anywhere in the world. This is the power of cloud service where Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) place data centers in every region with multiple Availability Zones (AZs) to achieve fault tolerance.

Many companies trying to adopt the cloud environment. In this rapid technology movement, they want to keep up with the pace. Not only organizations but also regular people use cloud services without even noticing. CSPs provide many benefits over on-premise in many ways and you may consider migrating towards it.

4 Main benefits to Cloud Migration


CSPs shine to provide a pay-as-you-go model from different tiers. The company can use high tier during peak hours and move back to lower for normal days. For example, depending on the usage pattern most companies are ready for IT infrastructure growth but in an unexpected situation where most people suddenly start visiting your website. In this situation, flexibility is very important.

High availability

High availability is really necessary whether it is on-premise or in the cloud. There is no point if your data is not available if necessary. The utopia for high availability is 100% that most cloud providers tried to achieve. CSPs provide an offer service-level agreement that guarantees data availability close to 100 percent (99.99% in most cases).


Security is one of the key elements for anyone. Any data in the cloud have very strict security rules and can only be accessed by authorized personnel. CSPs always monitor your data without needing people in front of the screen. Because organizations cannot keep monitoring the device all the time with a person, CSPs provide services that can monitor and notify unusual events.

Always up to date

Update to the latest version goes hand in hand with security because cloud providers keep an eye on the latest threat and tried to update with the latest patch without even your notice. Your machine/device would not even need to reboot or be turned off while updating. You only need to focus on running your business while cloud providers do update for you.


So there are many benefits to migrating to the cloud and you may be used in your daily life.

1 Comment

Why Cloud may have some disadvantages – TechYul · February 5, 2022 at 7:15 pm

[…] there are some drawbacks of cloud, there are many pros to adopting them. It depends on the organizations to migrate to the cloud or not but there is potential growth in […]

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